By Bob Bove
With the Washington Redskins future very much uncertain, a new force has risen to cause problems on the gridiron. In a surprising act of unity, the Karens of the world have banded together to create a team that will be more hated than the Dallas Cowboys. Armed with nothing but their own misery and iPhones on selfie-sticks, the All Karen team has a gameplan against which even Bill Belichick will have trouble scheming.
At her introductory press conference, Coach Karen said the Karens will look to disrupt the run game by badgering the opposing o-lines with illogical questions to throw off snap counts. Quarterback Karen has been working closely with her fellow Karens to build an offense so annoying nobody will want to be on the field with them. When it has all been said and done and there are two teams left in February, don’t be surprised to see the Karens dominating both social media and the turf.
Shittin me