By The Chief
Chestnut after eating an undisclosed amount of Dodger Dogs
The Dodgers will be sticking to social distancing guidelines this season for the most part, with one major caveat. Apparently, before the season started, the Dodgers hot dog supplier was going through some tough times and offered the team a deal they couldn’t refuse.
“We agreed to buy enough dodger dogs for the season months before all this started, and now we’re stuck with them and no customers. Do you know how many dodger dogs we used to sell on a weekly basis? A lot.”
So how do you fix such an issue? How to keep social distancing while still selling enough dodger dogs to make your money back? Simple. Call up the only person capable of eating that many hot dogs in one sitting and sell them all to him.
Chestnut was invited to opening night and managed to eat as many dodger dogs as would normally be sold in a week.
“It was nothing,” Chestnut said. “I could eat that many dogs in my sleep. I was actually asleep for a lot of that game. The Dodgers crushed ‘em. And I was putting dogs back the whole time. I’ll see you guys next week.”