By Bob Bove
Major League Baseball’s inept commissioner Rob Manfred only learned about the coronavirus as recently as July 27th. He was quoted as saying, “I’m not much of a baseball fan myself, I didn’t even notice the season had been postponed.” Yes, you read that correctly, the commissioner did not know that the season started nearly three months later than it was supposed to. He is now tasked with figuring out a solution to the issue at hand: the Marlins had 13 members of the organization test positive in one weekend, and the Reds may have an outbreak of their own very soon.
In a surprising act of awareness, a pro’s and con’s list regarding the season being in jeopardy was found on his desk. Sadly, ‘No Bat Flips’ was written over and over on the pros side of the list while the rest was left blank.
First sentence makes no sense